Sunday, December 9, 2007

Top Ten 2007 Albums - A List

The year is not over yet, but hear is my top ten albums for '07 anyways:

10. Iron & Wine - The Shepard's Dog

9. Pinback - Autumn Of The Seraphs

8. Bishop Allen - The Broken String

7. The Shins - Wincing The Night Away

6. Albert Hammond Jr. - Yours To Keep

5. White Stripes - Icky Thump

4. Modest Mouse - We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank

3. Band Of Horses - Cease To Begin

2. Radiohead - In Rainbows

1. Andrew Bird - Armchair Apocrypha

Honorable Mention (would have been included in a top 35 ((*edit 38)) list):
Wilco - Sky Blue Sky
Loney, Dear - Loney, Noir
Spoon - Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga
Aesop Rock - None Shall Pass
Rob Crow - Living Well
Beastie Boys - The Mix Up
of Montreal - Hissing Fuana, Are You The Destroyer
Eddie Vedder - Into The Wild
Okkervil River - The Stage Names
Minus The Bear - Planet Of Ice
Josh Ritter - The Historical Conquests Of Josh Ritter
Yeasayer - All Hour Cymbals
Ben Harper - Lifeline
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Some Loud Thunder
Jose Gonzalez - In Our Nature
Menomena - Friend and Foe
Neil Young - Chrome Dreams II
Kings of Leon - Because of the Times
Ola Podoria - Ola Podrida
Keren Ann - Keren Ann
Lifesavas - Gutterfly
Ian Ball - Who Goes There
Other Men - Wake Up Swimming
Jason Collett - Prodigals
Chris Lechter - Frieze
*edit-thanks to Darren for reminding me of albums I forgot
The National - Boxer
Radical Face - Ghost
Animal Collective - Strawberry Jam

Keep your eyes peeled for these in 2008:
The Mars Volta - The Bedlam in Goliath
Tyler Ramsey - A Long Dream About Swimming Across The Sea


campblondie said...

Nice picks, just popped in to see what was new and was not disappointed. I think my vote goes to wincing the night away for now. I can listen to that anytime anyplace.
Tell Liz I said "g'day mate," or hello. whatever.

G-rant said...

Not a bad list at all. I also have enjoyed the sounds of Pinback, Band of Horses, Radiohead, The Shins and Albert Hammond Jr. Now I must run and listen to the rest. Thanks for sharing.

ibid said...

Matt: I have been reluctant to comment for a few reasons...I don't want to be called a 'poor man's David Faustino' again and you are a man to whom I owe such wonders as Iron and Wine (I still remember hearing Weary Memory while being coddled by Abish's cozy lamb seats..transcendent) and the Shins to. (Though I never actually listened to them until a few months later in Idaho via another source because you were still listening to bands like The Used and I couldn't handle that and assumed that the Shins were scream-o like mistake.) So because of this, I don't like when we don't overlap. That being said, you asked for a review and I am yours to command.

10. I agree. A bit if a departure, but Sam still strikes a chord.
9. I have only heard a few songs, so I have no comment on best album.
8. disagree -- though some interesting sounds (again I have only heard a few songs) I wouldn't have included it on the top 10.
7. though this isn't as fine an album as their maiden, or sophomore efforts, it is deserving of a top ten spot.
6. Catchy, I miss when the Strokes were good so that Albert wouldn't have had to leave...he needs his band. But still, some good songs, bit not a top 10 for me.
5. Jack White is too good. His guitar is imbued with strings made from angel hair and wood from the gates of heaven (that is if they are not gold and merely gold plated)...good call here.
4. I don't like M.M. sorry. I like you though.
3. I think you know where I stand on this issue.
2. AMEN.
1. AMEN. Andrew is so very talented; he poops catchy melodies.

As for your honorable mentions I will wright the ones I agree with (I will note here that I know these are a matter of taste which is as elusive as those with Real Ultimate Power)

Loney, Dear
Josh Ritter
Jose Gonzalez
Menomena (Wet and Rusting...too good)
Ola Podoria

Many of those bands I have never heard of. I will have to gander before I can speak about them.

Bands I would have not omitted from my list that were from yours:

The National - Boxer
Arcade Fire -- Neon Bible
Radical Face -- Ghost
The National - Boxer
Interpol -- Our Love to Admire
Blonde Redhead -- 23
Bill Callahan -- Woke on a Whale Heart
Explosions in the Sky -- All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone
Feist -- The Reminder
Nine Inch Nails -- Year Zero
Sigur Rós -- Hvarf-Heim
The Twilight Sad -- Autumns and Fifteen Winters
Tom Waits -- Orphans, Brawlers, Bawlers, & Bastards
Beirut - The Flying Club Cup
Devendra Banhart - Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon
The Field - From Here We Go Sublime
Deerhunter - Cryptograms
Caribou - Andorra
Animal Collective - Strawberry Jam

Great post. We agree on quite a bit, which makes me happy.

This has been the longest comment ever made by you know.

lisa said...
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lisa said...

i found your blog! and i wasn't even really looking for it! this is great. also, i remember you introducing me to pinback (#9) many years ago, in provo. for that, i will always be in debt to you.

Matt said...

Hooray Lame Lisa!

This is a reunion of epic proportions.

How are you? Where are you? You should expedite an email my way.

lisa said...

i don't know your address...please provide it and you will not be sorry.

Matt said...
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Anonymous said...

Discovered your list from Paul Shirley's blog on espn. Sort of a round about way of discovering your top 07 music, but worth the trip.

I like almost everything you have listed. The others I don't know about and will explore.

VHS or Beta's - 'Bring on the Comets' won't win any awards but is real catchy and definitely worth a listen.

Keep postin' the good song/albums.